Đề thi English Champion năm 2017 vòng 1 Lớp 5 - Test 1 (Có file nghe + đáp án kèm theo)


1. What will the weather be like at the weekend?

2. What did the woman do on holiday?

3. Where is the man’s book?

4.What do they need to buy?

5. What is the woman’s son studying at the moment?

Part 2: Listen to Anne asking her friend about going to a shopping center. Choose the correct answer. There is one example.

0. The name of the new shopping centre is

The correct answer is C. Queens.
A. The Rivers.
B. The Forest Centre.
C. Queen’s.
doc 10 trang Phi Hiệp 25/03/2024 1220
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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Đề thi English Champion năm 2017 vòng 1 Lớp 5 - Test 1 (Có file nghe + đáp án kèm theo)

Đề thi English Champion năm 2017 vòng 1 Lớp 5 - Test 1 (Có file nghe + đáp án kèm theo)
t coach stop to Anne’s house is
in the bus station.
in the market square.
outside the museum.
The coach journey takes
10 minutes.
20 minutes.
40 minutes.

Part 1: Read the conversation and choose the best answer for each question. Fill in the correct answer in your answer sheet. There is one example.
0. John: Where do you come from?
Peter: 	A. New York. 
 	B. School. 
C. Home.
The correct answer is A. New York. 
1. John: Whose phone is that?
 Peter: A. It’s not there. 
 B. Wasn’t it?
 C. I’m not sure.
2. John: I have to go home now.
 Peter: A. Have you been there before? 
B. It’s still quite early.
 C. How long was it for?
3. John: There weren't any more tickets for the match.
 Peter: A. That’s a pity.
B. It isn’t enough. 
C. I hope so.
4. John: Shall we play that new computer game?
 Peter: A. It's all right. 
B. Yes, it is.
C. If you'd like to.
5. John: Why didn’t you come to the pool yesterday?
 Peter: A. I didn’t see them there.
	 B. It was a great time.
	 C. I was doing something else.
Part 2: Read the passage and answer the questions below.
Ana Johnson is a 13-year-old swimmer who lives in Melbourne in Australia. Her dream is to swim for Australia in the next Olympics.
She swims in both long and short races and she has already come first in many important competitions.
As well as spending many hours in the pool, Ana also makes time for studying and for friends.
`I have lots of friends who swim and we're very close. It's much easier to have friends who are swimmers because they also have to get up early to practise like me and they understand this kind of life. But I'm not so different from other people my age. In my free time I also enjoy going to the movies and parties. There are also some good things about swimming for a club. I travel a lot for competitions and I've made friends with swimmers from other Australian cities and from other parts of the world.'
Ana is becoming well known ...e ship. It seemed really exciting. At the time I was working at my local gym. I enjoyed the job, but I’d been there for a few years, I’d never lived in a different town and I’d never been abroad. I really liked the idea of travelling and seeing the world.

I looked on the Internet and found a website with hundreds of jobs on cruise ships. I applied for a few jobs but didn’t get any. I then decided to give up my job in the gym and go on a trip around Australia. I wanted to get some experience of travelling. My boss was great and said I could go back any time, but luckily, when I returned from my trip, I got the next job I applied for. It was as a fitness instructor on a cruise ship going to the Caribbean.
Life on a cruise ship is busy, but that’s what makes it exciting. A typical cruise ship has hundreds of employees from sailors to waiters and hairdressers to tour guides. I love the variety of my work. I teach aerobics, yoga, and fitness and I’m also a personal trainer in the gym. I work twelve hours a day and have two days off per cruise for sightseeing, but that’s enough for me. It’s always great to come home, because I miss my friends and family, but then I love leaving again too.
1. What is the writer’s main purpose in writing the text?
A. to describe his life on a cruise ship.
B. to talk about health and fitness.
C. to say how difficult his life is.
2. What would a reader learn about Mark before he joined the cruise ship?
A. He thought his job in the gym was boring.
B. He had always lived in the same place.
C. He often travelled abroad.
3. Why did Mark give up his first job?
A. He was offered a job on a cruise ship.
B. He decided to go to the Caribbean.
C. He wanted to travel for a while.
4. What does he find most difficult at work?
A. working long hours.
B. being away from home.
C. teaching so many activities.
5. Which of the following is the best description of the writer?
The fitness instructor that gave up work to travel around the world....s school. Helen likes learning and (1)___________ out about old things, so she was very happy when her mum said, “Today, we are going to a place full of old things like cups, bowls, chairs, dolls and dinosaurs! Can you (2)___________ where we are going to go?”
Helen’s little sister Lucy didn’t answer, but Helen shouted, “A museum!”
Mum smiled and said, “Helen’s right. Let’s go!”
When they were there, Mum took the girls to the dinosaur room, but Lucy didn’t want to go in. “What’s the matter? Why are you (3) __________?” asked Helen.
“The dinosaurs might eat me,” said Lucy and she started to cry. “You mustn’t think that,’ said Helen. “Dinosaurs have been extinct for (4) __________”
Lucy stopped crying because she was so surprised. She looked at her mum
to see if she (5)__________ with Helen. Then Lucy laughed, and the girls ran to look at the dinosaurs.
Example: 0. A. clever.	B. like.	C. years old.
The correct answer is A. clever
1.	A. finding.	B. to find. 	C. looking.
2. 	A. think. 	B. guess. 	C. see.
3. 	A. afraid.	B. sad.	C. worry.
4. 	A. year.	B. time.	C. centuries.
5. 	A. agrees.	B. agreed.	C. agree.
Part 2: Choose A, B or C to complete the sentences.
1. When I was younger, I practised the piano every day.
 I used __________ the piano every day when I was younger.
A. to practise.
B. practise.
C. practising.
2. My sister was taught the violin by a very talented teacher.
A very talented teacher __________ the violin.
A. taught my sister.
B. was taught my sister.
C. teaches my sister. 
3. Only music students can go to the concert in London.
You can only go to the concert in London __________ a music student.
A. except for.
B. if you are.
C. whether you are. 
4. My music teacher asked me if I liked classical music.
My music teacher said to me, “__________ classical music?”
A. Did you like.
B. Do you like.
C. Do I like. 
5. I prefer listening to music to playing music.
I like listening to music __________ playing music.
A. more.

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