Đề thi English Champion năm 2017 vòng 1 Lớp 4 - Test 4 (Có file nghe + đáp án kèm theo)


Part 1. Questions 1-5.

You will hear five short conversations. You will hear each conversation twice. There is one question for each conversation. For each question, choose the right answer (A, B, or C).

0. Which is the girl’s horse?

1. What time will the taxi arrive at the woman’s house? → A

2. What will they give George? → C

3. Where will they sit? → A

4. What size does the woman buy? → B

5. What ice cream will they have? → A

Part 2: Questions 1-5.

Listen to a girl speaking to a man at a job information center. For each question, choose the right answer (A, B, or C). You will hear the conversation twice.

0. The man has a job for a _______?
A. cleaner.
B. receptionist.
C. waitress.
doc 10 trang Phi Hiệp 25/03/2024 840
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Đề thi English Champion năm 2017 vòng 1 Lớp 4 - Test 4 (Có file nghe + đáp án kèm theo)
egin on the _______. 
 Most working days will begin at _______.
8.15 a.m.
8.30 a.m.
0.00 a.m.
For work, the girl must wear ______. 
A white shirt.
A blue skirt.
Black trousers.
Part 1: Questions 1-5.
Read the article about ships 
Choose the best word ( A, B, or C) for each space. 
Ships – faster and bigger
The first people to build ships (1) ______ the Egyptians 5000 years ago. They use (2)______ to travel on the River Bile, the longest river in Africa.
In the sixteen century, people from Europe travelled thousands of kilometers in large ships. It was important that they found new ways around the world. Life was hard for these sailors and on the journey many died because they often didn’t have (3)______ food.
In the nineteenth century, ships called “clippers” (4) _____ tea from China to Britain and wool from Australia to the USA. In very strong winds, clippers could sail 650 kilometers a day. 
In modern times, the largest ships are oils tankers. (5) ______of these are 400 metres long so the sailors have to use bicycles to travel round the ship!
A. their
B. them
C. this
A. few
B. enough
C. little
A. carried 
B. carrying
C. carry
A. None
B. Every
C. Some

Part 2: Questions 1-5.
Read the text and answer the questions.
Ballooning, or flying in a hot air balloon, was the most successful way of flying invented by man, before the airplane. Lucas Sheen invented the passenger hot air balloon in July in 1872, but people flew in other kinds of balloons long before that. The first modern hot air balloon was designed and built by Ed Yost in 1960.
A hot air balloon has a bag called the envelope. Under the envelope there is a basket, which carries the passengers. It also carries the gas burner that heats the air inside the envelop. Because hot air is lighter than the cold air outside the envelope, the balloon can fly. Most hot air balloons fly in the cooler hours of the day, before sunri...sed ______
to make the balloon fly. 
to keep the passengers warm.
because it is cold outside. 
The best time to fly a hot air balloon is ______
early morning or late afternoon. 
any time during the day. 
at night, when there is a full moon. 
Today, hot air balloons are used for ______
relaxing and having fun. 
making things.
Pilots check the weather before taking off _______
to know when the sun will rise or set. 
to tell the passengers what clothes to wear. 
to find out if there will be strong winds. 
The passengers feel the wind when _______
they take off.
they go higher or lower.
they climb in the balloon. 
Part 3: Questions 1-6.
Read the article about some beautiful old cups. 
Are sentences “Right” (A) or “Wrong” (B) ? If there is not enough information to answer “Right” (A), or “Wrong” (B), choose “Doesn’t say” (C).

The missing cups
When I was young, my parents moved from California to Illinois with me and my two sisters. We all helped my mother pack everything from our old house into boxes. Inside three of the boxes were my grandmother’s special cups, bowls and plates. They were special because my grandmother, a clever artist, painted them herself with a lovely pattern of blue flowers.
Sadly, one of those three boxes was lost. We never got the cups, but the plates and bowls arrived safely. We used them on special days in the year, like birthday. We remembered those cups and were sad that we did not have them any more. 
Ten year later, I decided to go to university in California. In my first summer there, a friend asked me to spend the day at an antique market with her. At first, I didn’t want to go, but I finally agreed and we had a great day there looking around. There were many old and interesting things for sale. We were just leaving when I saw a woman selling twelve beautiful cups with a pattern of blue flowers. I looked closely and saw they were my grandmother’s cups!
The writer’s grandmother asked an artist to paint...ids?
Sand, Oil, Sugar.
Sand, Rock, Salt.
Oil, Jelly, Honey.
2. In the following food chain, which is the producer?
A rabbit.
A lion.
A carrot.
Questions 1-10: Choose the correct answer.

My mum / usually / make /dinner.
My mum usually make dinner.
My mum makes usually dinner.
My mum usually makes dinner.
The correct answer is My mum usually makes dinner. So circle the answer C.
1. Oasis of the Seas / biggest / passenger ship /world. 
A. Oasis of the Seas is the biggest passenger ship in the world. 
B. Oasis of the Seas is biggest passenger ship in the world.
C. Oasis of the Seas is one of the biggest passenger ship in the world.
2. There / lots / different types / food /choose / British / Indian / others. 
A. There is lots of different types of food to choose from – British, Indian and others.
B. There are lots of different types of food to choose from – British, Indian and others. 
C. There are lots of different type of food to choose from – British, Indian and others.
3. Passengers can / visit / gym / have / some exercise classes. 
A. Passengers can to visit a gym and to have some exercise classes.
B. Passengers can visit a gym and to have some exercise classes. 
C. Passengers can visit a gym and have some exercise classes.
4. The Youth Zone / great / place / young children / teenagers/
A. The Young Zone is the great place for young children and teenagers..
B. The Young Zone is the great place of young children and teenager.
C. The Young Zone is a great place for young children and teenagers. 
5. Emperor penguins/ walk / they / find / safe place / mother / lay eggs. 
A. Emperor penguins walk until they find a safe place for the mother to lay eggs. 
B. Emperor penguins walk until they find the safe place for mother to lay eggs.
C. Emperor penguins walk until they find a safe place for the mother laying eggs. 
6. The father penguins / wait / sixty-four days / eggs / hatch. 
A. The father penguins wait sixty four days 

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