Đề cương ôn tập học kỳ 1 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 5 - Bùi Văn Vinh

I. Fill in the blank to correct the words.
1. V_CAT_ON ..............................................................
2. DO_PHIN ..............................................................
3. BOU_HT ..............................................................
4. AT_RACTION ..............................................................
5. COL_ECTION ..............................................................
6. INVE_TION ..............................................................
7. SOUVENI_ ..............................................................
8. CO_BOY ..............................................................
9. FOREST ..............................................................
10. SPEC_ES ..............................................................

II. Find and correct the mistakes.
1. Mrs. Brown teach at primary school. _______
2. They live in the city in their parents. _______
3. I read to music in the evening. _______
4. He have Math and Vietnamese today. ________
5. He are going to have a picnic tomorrow. ________
6. The children is going to play football. ________
7. My mum is going to cook dinner now. ________
8. My school have a big yard. ________
docx 14 trang Phi Hiệp 25/03/2024 620
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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Đề cương ôn tập học kỳ 1 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 5 - Bùi Văn Vinh

Đề cương ôn tập học kỳ 1 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 5 - Bùi Văn Vinh
 the evening. _______
He have Math and Vietnamese today. ________
He are going to have a picnic tomorrow. ________
The children is going to play football. ________
My mum is going to cook dinner now. ________
My school have a big yard. ________
III. Read and answer the questions.
Hello. My name is Trang. I am a student at Nguyen Trai Primary school. I study many subjects at school. Today is Monday. Tomorrow I am going to have English and Math. During my math lessons, I am going to learn about numbers. I like English because I like to speak English with my teacher and read English books. I like science, too. I am going to have it on Friday. I like science because I like to learn about plants and animals.
What’s her name?
What’s her school?
What subjects is she going to have tomorrow?
What is she going to learn during math lessons?
When is she going to have science? 
Why does she like English?
IV. Reorder these words and phrases to complete the sentences.
was/ in/ Nam/ Hanoi/ last month.
usually/ badminton/ in/ play/ I/ summer.
weather/ in/ what’s/ the/autumn/ like/ ?
We/ last/ visited/ weekend/ Tuan Chau Island.
National Park/ They/ going/ the/ to/ are/ tomorrow.
did/ yesterday/ you/ what/ do/ ? 
I. Fill in the blank...
. (be) you at Emily’s birthday party?
We . (be) a baby when we moved to London.
III. Complete the text. Use the past simple of the verb in brackets.
Linda and I (1) ... (go) to a lovely old village last weekend. It (2) .. (not be) very far away. We (3) .. (buy) some cheese, bread and fruit, and we (4) . (think) about having a picnic near the river. We (5) ... (not have) very much water. Linda (6) .. (see) a shop but it (7) .. (be) closed. We (8) ... (eat) our food and (9) . (fall asleep) under the trees.
IV. Reorder the words to complete the sentences.
very/ I/ English/ much/ like.
goes/ she/ to/ at/ school/ 7.00.
teacher/ mother/ a/ is/ my.
fish/ favourite/ is/ food/ my.
do/ tigers/ not/ I/ and snakes/ like.
zoo/ let’s/ the/ to/ go. 
I. Fill in the blank to correct the words.
RE_CUE .............................................................. 
EQUI_MENT .............................................................. 
_ACING .............................................................. 
LAD_ER .............................................................. 
FAMO_S .............................................................. 
DAN_ER .............................................................. 
DIS_ONEST .............................................................. 
HE_FUL .............................................................. 
FRI_NDLY .............................................................. 
TI_Y .............................................................. 
II. Write the past simple of irregular verbs.

III. Write the correct verbs form of the past simple.
play (2); have ; enjoy ; be (4) ; clap
Yesterday there (0)was.. a concert at school. Everyone in the audience (1)  programmes about the concert.
Kathy and Jane (2) ...... on the stage first. They (3) .. the recorder. Tom (4) ...._NTER .............................................................. 
LIT_RATURE .............................................................. 
ES_AY .............................................................. 
SU_JECT .............................................................. 
JOU_NALIST .............................................................. 
II. Circle the odd one out and write.
Skirt 	socks 	cake 	boots 	_____
Banana 	orange 	book 	pear 	_____
Nice 	nine 	seven 	three 	_____
Five 	two 	eight 	old 	_____ 
Bride 	wedding 	guest 	jeans 	_____
Boots 	sunny 	shirt 	gloves 	_____
Band 	rainy 	windy 	cold 	_____
How 	who 	that 	what 	 _____
Mother 	teacher 	sister 	father 	_____
Ten 	seventeen 	nineteen 	fifteen 	_____
Your answers:

III. Read the text and circle the incorrect word. Then write the sentence correctly.
My name’s Peter. I’m in class 5A. This is my classroom. The tables are long. There is a big white board and there are three computers. There are big posters on the wall. There are pictures too. It’s a picture of my family. My teacher is Miss Brown. She’s very kind and funny.
The boy’s name is Tom.
The boy’s name is Peter.
He’s in class 4B.
The tables are short.
There is a black board.
There are four computers.
Peter’s picture is of his friends
The teacher’s name is Miss White.
IV. Questions and answers. Match (1-8) with (A-H).
1. How many people are there in your family?
2. What does your father do?
3. How old is he?
4. When were you born?
5. Where does she live?
6. What do you want to be?
7. What do you like?
8. Where is he from?
A. He is a factory worker.
B. I was born on July 15th 2006.
C. She lives in HCM city.
D. He’s from Singapore.
E. I like playing games.
F. I want to be a farmer.
G. There are five people in My family.
H. He’s fifteen.

I. Fill in the blank to correct the words.
FL_OR 	........................

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