Đề cương ôn tập học kỳ 1 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 4 - Bùi Văn Vinh

I. Complete the dialogue with the correct form of “to be”.
Tom: Hello. What ………………………. (1) your name?
Bob: Hi, I (2) ……….….. Bob. Where (3) ……….…. you from?
Tom: I (4) …………………………... from America.
Bob: (5) ………………………….… you here with your family?
Tom: Yes. My cousins (6) …………………….….. English.
Bob: (7) ……………………..….. they from London?
Tom: No, they (8) ……….. They (9) …….……. from Manchester. We (10) …………….….. here in London on holiday.
Your answers:
1………….. 2………….. 3………….. 4………….. 5…………..
6………….. 7…………. 8…………. 9………….. 10………….

II. Reorder the words to correct the sentences.
1. Computer/ our/ small/ is
2. Their/ is/ camera/ nice.
3. My/ is/ school/ big
4. His/ is/ classroom/ noisy
5. Her/ children/ cute/ are
docx 14 trang Phi Hiệp 25/03/2024 800
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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Đề cương ôn tập học kỳ 1 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 4 - Bùi Văn Vinh

Đề cương ôn tập học kỳ 1 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 4 - Bùi Văn Vinh
he sugar, please?
You/ Can/ please/ the/ turn up/ radio?
Can/ curtains/ the/ open/ you?
You/ turn off/ the/ Can/ Music?
Turn down/ you/ television/ please/ Can/ the?
Wash/ you/ the/ car/ Can/ please?
I. Complete the questions with: “Do or Does”
......... Paul like horse riding. -> Does
... you like playing computer games?
.. Jack like playing the piano?
... Peter like playing volleyball?
.. Anna and Rosy like reading?
... they like swimming?
II. Write sentences using present continuous. Follow the model.
Dad/ windsurfing -> Dad is windsurfing.
I/ comb/ my hair
Scot and Peter/ read comics
They/ play chess
We/ skateboard
Kate/ listen to a CD player
III. Make these sentences negative form.
Molly is reading a comic.
Mum and Tony are sitting on the beach.
Dad is making a fire.
Peter is eating a sandwich.
Charlie and Tom are swimming.
IV. Write the verbs about yourself (-ing).
Do you like (write) emails?
Do you like (fly) kites?
Do you like (watch) TV?
Do you like (take) photos?
Do you like (fish)?
I. Write sentences follow the model.
Bob/ not read/ drive
Bob isn’t reading. He’s driving.
Your sister/ not sleep/ work
We/ not work/ read
Tim and Billy/ not make lunch/ sleep
You/ not run/ study
Mrs. Rose/ not drive/ make lunch
II. Write the correct form of the verbs “-ing”.
I like (watch ) dolphins.
Do you like (take) photos?
Does Jane like (write) emails?
My friend doesn’t like (listen) to music.
I like (cook) and (read) comics.
III. Write questions, using the present continuous.
He/ light/ a fire?
Jane/ do/ her homework?
We/ have/ dinner/ now?
You and Tom/ play/ a computer game?
You/ get dressed?
IV. Write questions and short answers in the present continuous (Yes, for V); (No, for X)
I/ learn/ English? (V)
Am I learning English? - Yes, I am.
Amy/ talk? (X)
Mum and Dad/ sit/ on the beach? (V)
We/ have dinner? (V)
They/ visit the zoo? (X)
She/ read a comic? (V)
V. Say the words. Circle the word...six o’clock.
He has breakfast at seven o’clock.
Tony walks to school every day.
My friends catch the bus to school.
V. Circle the word that doesn’t have “oy and oi”.
boy 	toy 	coin 	stone
oil 	coin 	coat 	soil
gate 	boy 	oyster 	oil
boy 	blue 	soil 	toy
soil 	white 	coin 	oyster
oyster 	oil 	boy 	tube
Your answers:

I. Put the words in the correct order to make questions.
Helen/ does/ go/ school/ by/ to/ car?
Play football/ do/ after/ you/ school?
Sally and Polly/ do/ 7 o’clock/ eat/ at/ dinner?
swimming/ do/Tuesday/ we/ go/ on?
singing/ your/ like/ sister/ does?
You/ do/ like/ outside/ playing?
II. Complete the questions using the correct form of “have”.
.... your Dad .. a car?
 he  breakfast every day?
 you .. a shower in the evening?
. your family .. dinner together?
. they  lots of friends?
. Sally  lots of toys?
III. Read and use the words in the box to complete the text.
gets; brushes; plays; walks; catches; has
Tony gets up at 7 o’clock on Mondays. He (1) ____ a shower and then he (2) ____ dressed. He has breakfast with his family. He always (3) _____ his teeth after breakfast. He never (4) ____ the bus to school. He always (5)-____ to school with his brother. After school, he (6) ____ with his friends in the park. Tony loves the park!
Your answers:

IV. Circle the odd one out.
kayak 	windsurf 	dive 	polluted
safe 	tall 	dolphin 	clean
sorry 	free 	kind 	water
first 	ugly 	then 	next
beautiful 	water-ski 	swim 	snorkel
penguin 	monkey 	camel 	angry 
Your answers:

V. Write sentences using present continuous.
She / write/ a letter.
They/ watch TV.
He/ wait/ at the bus stop.
He/ skateboard.
We/ do/ an exam.
I. Complete the dialogue with the correct form of “be”.
is 2. am 3. are 4. am 5. Are
6. are 7. Are 8. aren’t 9. are 10. are 
II. Write sentences to ask permission.
Our compute...Charlie and Tom aren’t swimming.
IV. Write the verbs about yourself (-ing)
writing 2. flying 3. watching 4. taking 5. fishing
I. Write sentences follow the model.
 1. Your sister is not sleeping. She’s working.
We are not working. We’re reading.
Tim and Billy are not making lunch. They’re sleeping.
You are not running. You’re studying.
Mrs. Rose is not driving. She’s making lunch.
II. Write the correct form of the verbs (-ing).
Watching 2. Taking 3. Writing
4. listening 5. Cooking; reading
III. Write questions, using the present continuous.
Is he lighting a fire?
Is Jane doing her homework?
Are we having dinner now?
Are you and Tom playing a computer game?
Are you getting dressed?
IV. Write questions and short answers in the present continuous (Yes, for V); (No, for X)
 1. Is Amy talking? (X) - No, she isn’t.
Are Mum and Dad sitting on the beach? (V) -Yes, they are.
Are We having dinner? (V) - Yes, we are.
Are They visiting the zoo? (X) - No, they aren’t.
Is She reading a comic? (V) - Yes, she is.
V. Say the words. Circle the word that doesn’t have “or” or “aw”.
farm 2. scarf 3. arm 4. star 5. car 
I. Write questions using the present continuous. Follow the model.
1. Are the snakes sleeping?
2. Are the penguins swimming?
3. Is the mouse eating?
4. Is the zebra drinking?
5. Is the spider climbing?
6. Is the lizard diving?
II. Make sentences negative form.
The flamingos are not flying.
The lizard is not sleeping.
The woman is not painting.
The monkeys are not eating
The penguins are not swimming.
III. Circle the correct answers.
gets 2. have 3. Does 4. doesn’t 5. don’t
IV. Make sentences negative form.
Alice doesn’t live in Paris.
I don’t get up at six o’clock.
He doesn’t have breakfast at seven o’clock.
Tony doesn’t walk to school every day.
My friends don’t catch the bus to school.
V. Circle the word that doesn’t have (oy and oi).
toy coin 
oil coin soil
boy oyster oil
boy soil toy
soil coin oyster

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