Bộ đề ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 5 - Bùi Văn Vinh

I. Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently.
1. A. fry B. windy C. rainy D. daily
2. A. sunny B. summer C. such D. autumn
3. A. hot B. cold C. slow D. hotel
4. A. small B. day C. fall D. tall
5. A. big B. mild C. winter D. spring
Your answers:
1………….. 2…………. 3…………. 4…………… 5…………..

II. Write sentences using like + -ing, follow the model.
0. Mr. Jones/ like/ read/ newspapers
→Mr .Jones likes reading newspapers.
1. My aunt/ like/ go/ to the cinema
2. My mother/ like/ shop
3. Our cousins/ like/ play/ chess

Bùi Văn Vinh – ĐHSPHN – 0977.267.662

4. My father/ like/ fish
5. My brother and I / like/ climb/ trees

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Bộ đề ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 5 - Bùi Văn Vinh

Bộ đề ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 5 - Bùi Văn Vinh
 a breakfast → breakfast 
1. Would you like a drinks? Yes, please. Some Coke, please. 
2. You can’t have pizza without tomatoes and cheeses. 
3. Hamburgers, chips and peas are my favorite meals. 
4. I’d like some orange juices, please. 
5. Chocolate is good for our health. 
IV. Choose the odd one out 
 1. A. apple B. orange C. milk D. pear 
 2. A. face B. eye C. month D. leg 
 3. A. you B. their C. his D. my 
 4. A. sunny B. windy C. weather D. rainy 
Bùi Văn Vinh – ĐHSPHN – 0977.267.662 
 5. A. in B. but C. of D. under 
 6. A. never B. usually C. always D. after 
 7. A. orange B. yellow C. apple D. blue 
 8. A. sing B. thirsty C. hungry D. hot 
Bùi Văn Vinh – ĐHSPHN – 0977.267.662 
I. Leave ONE unnecessary letter in these words to make them correct. 
 1. HELPE .. 
 2. VISITA . 
 3. WSWIM .. 
 4. WATECH . 
 5. LISTENE .. 
 6. REDAD .. 
 7. WRITEA  
 10. PREASENT . 
II. Find the different sound. 
1. A. home B. hour C. him D. hot 
2. A. wear B. hear C. near D. year 
 3. A. see B. sun C. sure D. son 
 4. A. free B. meet C. see D. beer 
 5. A. how B. know C. brown D. cow 
Your answers: 
1.. 2. 3. 4 5.. 
III. Complete the sentence with a suitable preposition. 
1. The cat is ... the chair. 
2. There are two sofas ... the living room. 
3. There is a tall tree in front .... my aunt’s house. 
4. The toy shop is . Le Duan street. 
Bùi Văn Vinh – ĐHSPHN – 0977.267.662 
5. Next ... my house, there are some tall trees. 
6. My mother works .... a school .. Hanoi. 
7. There are some books .. my schoolbag. 
8. We go to school  Monday .. Friday. 
IV. Read the leaflet and write the answers T (true) or F (false). 
Don’t catch a cold 
It’s horrible to have a cold. You sneeze and cough. Your nose runs and you can feel 
very tired or have a headache. 
What can you do to stop getting a cold? 
a. Fresh air helps, so open windows and go for walks outside. _... Robinsons  to a new apartment. 
A. move B. moved C. are moving 
2. His hobby is playing soccer. 
A. pastime B. activity C. sport 
3. Last year, my aunt  me a new dress. 
A. buys B. is buying C. bought 
4. He want to learn . to use the computer. 
A. what B. how C. why 
5. It’s not difficult .. a new dress. 
A. to make B. make C. to making 
Your answers: 
1.. 2. 3. 4 5.. 
III. Put the correct form of the verbs in the brackets. 
1. The sea food (be) ... very delicious. 
Bùi Văn Vinh – ĐHSPHN – 0977.267.662 
2. Hoa (get) .. a letter from her pen pal Tim yesterday. 
3. I (go) . to the movie last week. 
4. Liz (travel)  to Ha Noi from Nha TRang two days ago. 
5. Lan’s mother (make) .. a blue dreaa on her next birthday. 
6. Mr. Robinson (buy) . Liz a cap on his trip to Nha Trang 
last year. 
7. He (take) . his children to the zoo last Sunday. 
8. I (meet) . her at the movie theater last Sunday. 
IV. Make the sentence negative. 
1. My father decorated the Christmas tree. 
2. Lan bought a new dress yesterday. 
3. They were late for school. 
4. Mr. Ba took his children to the zoo last Sunday. 
5. Mai made a mistake in her exam. 
Bùi Văn Vinh – ĐHSPHN – 0977.267.662 
I. Put the right preposition to correct the sentence. 
1. Liz went .. Nha Trang . summer vacation. 
2. What are you thinking .. the film? 
3. Nam talked . his friends . his recent vacation. 
4. They returned .. Ha Noi last week. 
5. She made a red dress .. her daughter. 
6. After holiday they returned to Ha Noi .. plane. 
7. The arrive home .... the evening. 
8. Hoa helped me a lot .... my stamp collection. 
II. Leave ONE unnecessary letter in these words to make them correct. 
6. HUENT  
7. WIALD  
III. Put the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence. 
1. Why .. you (leave) ... the party early last night? 
2. Mozart (play) . the pia...w did they go to Hawaii? 
3. Why did Jack’s uncle decide to come back? 
4. What was the weather like? 
5. How did they feel about the holiday? 
Bùi Văn Vinh – ĐHSPHN – 0977.267.662 
I. Put one suitable preposition to complete the sentence. 
1. My mother takes care ... the family. 
2. I smiled  the child and said “Hello”. 
3. She is always worried .. her daughter. 
4. Milk is good . our health. 
5. Most children are scared .. seeing the dentist. 
6. The dentist looked ... my teeth. 
II. Change these sentences into questions. 
1. Her mother gave her a blue dress. 
2. He went to Nha Trang last summer vacation. 
3. Mrs. Green put the poster on the wall. 
4. The house looked very nice. 
5. She taught English at a high school. 
III. Circle the correct word in each sentence. 
1. We go/ play skating in winter. 
2. That restaurant is very cheap/ expensive. I don’t have enough money for 
lunch there. 
3. I have one aunt/ uncle. He’s my father’s brother. 
Bùi Văn Vinh – ĐHSPHN – 0977.267.662 
4. Matteo is from Italian/ Italy. 
5. Please do this exercise again. All your answers are right/ wrong. 
6. People play/ go baseball in America and Canada. 
7. Can I open the window, please?- It’s very hot/ cold in here. 
8. A baker/ singer makes CDs. 
IV. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. 
1. I went to my hometown ..................... (for bus / in bus / by bus) 
2. It’s very cold in  (Summer/ Autumn/ Spring/ Winter) 
3. How ............... does it take you to get to your hometown? (far/ long/ often) 
4. How ........... do you play badminton ? - Every afternoon. (often/ long/ far) 
5. What are you ...................... ? (draw/ drawing/ drew) 
6. What .............. your dream house be like ? (do/ did/ will) 
7. It'll be a large house. ................. a yard in the front. (It's/ It's got/ They've got) 
8. What will your dream house ..................... ? (like/ be like/ be) 
Bùi Vă

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