Bài tập bổ trợ Tiếng Anh Family and Friends 1 - Unit 13: Look at all the animals

Exercise 1: Look and write.
Exercise 2: Complete the sentences. Use the adjectives in brackets
The goose is bigger .(big)
The ………is ……......(loud)
The ………is ……......(loud)
The ………is ……......(small)
The ………is ……......(fast)
The ………is ……......(tall)
doc 8 trang Phi Hiệp 23/03/2024 5983
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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Bài tập bổ trợ Tiếng Anh Family and Friends 1 - Unit 13: Look at all the animals

Bài tập bổ trợ Tiếng Anh Family and Friends 1 - Unit 13: Look at all the animals

f) A cheetah is faster than a tortoise.

g) A giraffe is taller than a sheep.

Exercise 5 : Look and write the comparative form.
 a) horse / donkey / fast b) elephant / giraffe / tall
 - The horse is faster than the donkey. 
 c) bear / wolf / big d) crocodile / snake / thin
e) monkey / gorilla / strong f) whale / fish / long
g) dog / cat / small h) snail / ant / slow
Exercise 6: Put the words in the correct order and write sentences.
1) friend – taller – am – my – I
 I am taller than my friend.
2) father – than – My – taller – me. – is
3) is – than – grandfather – grandmother. – older – My
4) mouse – an – smaller – elephant. – is – than – A
5) the sheep. – is – bigger – than – The cow
6) The rubber – smaller – is – than – the pencil case.
7) the girl . – taller – The woman – is – than
8) smaller – The flower – is – the tree. – than
9 ) A giraffe – than – taller – is – a dog. 
10) fatter – A horse – is – than – an elephant.
11) elephant – An – is – bigger – than – ant. – an
12) A pencil – shorter – is – than – a ruler.
13) A - bee - is – than - a – bear. – smaller
Exercise 7 : Look and complete the sentences with comparative adjectives.


640 kg

48 kph

1,5 m

270 kg

60 kph

1,2 m

5,000 kg

40 kph

3,5 m
a) The bear is taller than the zebra. ( tall)
b) The elephant is .. the bear. ( heavy)
c) The zebra is.. the elephant. ( light)
d) The bear is.. the elephant. (fast)
e) The elephant is.. the zebra. ( slow)
f) The zebra is.. the bear. ( short)
g) The elephant is .. the bear. ( big )
h) The zebra is.. the bear.( fast)
i) The bear is.. the elephant. (small)
j) The elephant is .. the bear. ( tall)
Exercise 8 : Answer the questions with: Yes, it is / No, it isn’t
1)Is the chicken smaller than the elephant?
2)Is the kangaroo thinner than the snake?
3)Is the frog bigger than the giraffe?
4)Is the dolphin bigger than the hedgehog?
5)Is the

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