Bài tập bổ trợ Tiếng Anh Everybody Up 2 - Unit 7: My day

Exercise 1 Look at the clocks and write the correct times.
Exercise 2 Draw the time shown on each clock.
a) It’s three o’clock.
b) It’s six fifteen.
c) It’s eleven thirty
d) It’s one forty – five
e) It’s seven o’clock.
f) It’s nine fifteen
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Bài tập bổ trợ Tiếng Anh Everybody Up 2 - Unit 7: My day
u eat breakfast?
b) When do you eat lunch ?
c) When do you eat dinner ?
Exercise 3 Look and write
 breakfast lunch a snack dinner

6 : 00

12 : 00

3 : 45

7 : 00


6 : 15

12 : 15

4 : 00

7 : 15


6 : 20

11 : 45

3 : 30

7 : 20
When does Sally eat breakfast ? ..
When does Sally eat lunch ? ... 
When does Sally eat a snack ? 
When does Sally eat dinner ? ..
When does Alex eat breakfast ? ..
When does Alex eat lunch ? ... 
When does Alex eat a snack ? 
When does Alex eat dinner ? ..
When does Ben eat breakfast ? ..
When does Ben eat lunch ? ... 
When does Ben eat a snack ? 
When does Ben eat dinner ? ..
Exercise 4 Look and complete the sentences
a) I eat breakfat at .. I eat a .. and I drink 
b) I eat lunch at .. I eat .. and I drink orange jucie.
c) I eat dinner at .. I eat .. and I drink 
Exercise 5 Put the words in the correct order
- does – she – eat – a snack ? - When
- eat – breakfast – I – seven – o’clock - at
- He – at – seven fifteen – eats - dinner –
- soup – and salad- I – like
- My – eats – sister – spaghetti- at – seven o’clock
- She – lunch – eat – o’clock – at- eleven
Exercise 6 Look and write


I have bread with milk for breakfast.
_______________________________________ for lunch. 
_______________________________________ for dinner.
Lesson 3
Exercise 1 Write
7 : 15 breakfast
8 : 30 school
6 : 00 dinner
8 :4 bed
12 : 15 lunch

It’s seven fifteen . It’s time for breakfast.
It’s eight thirty. It’s time 
.. lunch.
.. dinner.
 eight forty- five ..
Lesson 4 : Daily routine
Exercise 1 Look and write the missing letters

_ _ _ _ up

_ _ to school
come h _ _ _ _
go to _ _ _
Exercise 2 Read and answer the questions
 wake up go to school come home go to bed
6 :30




6 :10

7 :15

4 :30

9 :45
When does she wake up ? 
When does she go to school ? 
When does she come home ? 
When do...t at six thirty in the morning.
g) He goes swimming at four thirty in the afternoon.
h ) They watch TV at nine fifteen at night.

File đính kèm:

  • docxbai_tap_bo_tro_tieng_anh_everybody_up_2_unit_7_my_day.docx
  • pdfUnit 7.pdf