Bài tập bổ trợ Tiếng Anh Everybody Up 2 - Unit 3: Things to eat

1.Look and write
French Fries
a) …………………. do you want ?
How What Who
b) I …………………. spaghetti.
want wants doesn’t want
c) What …………………. he want ?
do does don’t
d) My father …………………. steak .
want don’t want wants
e) I ………………….eggs.
doesn’t want don’t want wants
f) What …………………. you want ?
do does doesn’t
g) She doesn’t …………………. salad.
want wants not want
h) He ………………. soup.
want wants don’t want
i) My brothers ………………. steak.
doesn’t want want wants
j) I don’t ………………. salad.
want wants not want
k) Lily ………………. chicken.
want wants don’t want
l) My sisters ………………. juice.
want doesn’t want wants

docx 8 trang Phi Hiệp 23/03/2024 1441
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Bài tập bổ trợ Tiếng Anh Everybody Up 2 - Unit 3: Things to eat
l) I – want – don’t - steak
m) What – Anna- does – want ?
Lesson 2
1.Look and write the missing letters
app _ _
_ _ nana

o_ _ nge

 p _ _ ch
2.Underline the correct words in brackets :
.. he have oranges ? ( Do – Does – Don’t )
Do you .. apples ? ( have – has – doesn’t have )
Does she .. bananas ? ( has – have – hasn’t )
.. you have bananas ? ( Do – Does – Doesn’t )
No , she .. ( does – doesn’t – don’t )
Yes, I .. ( do – don’t – doesn’t )
No , I .. ( do – don’t – does )
Yes , she .. ( do – does – doesn’t )
Does Anna .. oranges ? ( have – has – hasn’t )
.. she have bananas ? ( Do – Does – Don’t )
She .. have peaches. ( does – doesn’t – don’t )
She .. salad. ( have – doesn’t – has )
.. you have cheese ? ( Do – Does – Doesn’t )
 Ben .. have oranges. ( don’t – doesn’t )
. he have apples ? ( Do – Does – Don’t )
Does he . peaches ? Yes, he does. ( have – has )
3.Match one part from “ A” with the suitable part from “B”
What do you want ?
Do you have oranges ?
Does Alex have peaches ?
Does she have bananas ?
What does he have ?
What does she have ?
Yes, I do.
I want spaghetti.
Yes, she does.
No , he doesn’t.
She has bananas.
He has peaches.
4.Rearrange the following words :
I – oranges – have 
She – salad- doesn’t have  
have – you – Do – cheese ? 
have – Does – he – milk ? 
don’t – have – peaches- I 
he – have – Does – apples ? 
Does – she – oranges ? – have 
I – don’t – bananas- have 
He – spaghetti – doesn’t – have 
Do – apples ?- you – have 
Lesson 3
1. Supple the mini dialogue :
A : Excuse me . Do you want an apple ?
B : Yes , .
A : Excuse me . Do you want a peach ?
B : No , .
Lesson 4 
1. Look and write
yogurt cheese milk butter

2. Match one part from “ A” with the suitable part from “B”
Do you like milk ?
Does she like cheese ?
Do they like butter ?
Does he like yogurt ?
Yes, she does.
Yes, I do.
No , he doesn’t.
Yes, they do.

3.Rearrange the following words :
- you – Do – apple – an ...a) Sarah has an apple. She doesn’t have a sandwich.
b) Vera has a sandwich. Her lunch box is blue.
c) Johnny has a sandwich. He has vegetables on his pizza.
d) Max has some vegetables. He doesn’t have any fruit.
8.Look and write



What does Tony want ? He wants steak.
What does Alex want ? ..
What does Rosy want ? ..
What does Lisa want ? ..
What does Ben want ? ..

File đính kèm:

  • docxbai_tap_bo_tro_tieng_anh_everybody_up_2_unit_3_things_to_eat.docx
  • pdfUnit 3.pdf